Everyone talks about curb appeal, but what does it mean for your San Marcos Property? Curb appeal refers to how your property looks when someone first pulls up to the actual curb.
You want your best for that initial impression and there are some ways to do that with a little time and a small budget. Some of the things that will make the biggest impact don’t have to cost you anything more than your time!
It doesn’t matter if you are getting ready to sell or just rent out your San Marco home, you will want to make the best first impression.
Add Shutters - Whether you have a brick colonial or something more modern, shutters can really add some interest to your San Marcos property.
You can use them as a focal point or a pop of color. Either way, they will add interest and character to your home.
If the are good enough for Joanna Gains, they are good enough for me.
2. Give Your Front Door A Boost - You can go bold or more subtle, but know this is one of the main focal points of the home from the street. Bright red, high gloss black, you can’t go wrong with a fresh look on your front door.
According to Money.com the color you choose can have an impact on the sale price of your home. “You don’t need a touchscreen refrigerator, a WiFi-enabled thermostat or color-changing light bulbs to pump up the sale price of your home. In fact, all you need is a black door.”
According to a press release from Zillow in June of 2018 “Homes with black or charcoal gray front doors sell for $6,271 more than expected, the highest sales premium of all the room and color combinations analyzed.”
Photo by Landon Martin on Unsplash
3. Replace Your House Numbers - These are often forgotten about. It goes without saying that having nice, big house numbers make it easier for guests, potential buyers or renters, or just the UPS man to find your home.
Consider using oversized or bold font numbers for a clear view from the street. Trim back any landscaping that might hinder them being read.
The DIY Network has some options you can do in a weekend that range from simple to mind-blowing and most will not bust the budget.
4. Update Your Lighting Fixtures - As important as lighting is inside of your home, your porch deserves the same attention.
Modern fixtures that complement the esthetic of your front porch will show you are attentive to the details of your home.
Good lights also are a safety feature allowing for good visibility when arriving in the dark.
5. Wash The Siding - It does not matter if you hire someone or you pressure wash your home yourself. Just do it! It is part of your home's maintenance and you want to be sure you don’t let this task slide.
Also, “You should also take this time to wash your garage door, as it will be one of the first things buyers see. Do not use a power washer to clean your windows and doors though, because it could damage them and lead to repair costs.”
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6. Touch-Up the Paint - A fresh coat of paint on the house would be wonderful, but if you want to save some time and work you might be able to get by with some touch-up. If the home has been painted recently then you might just need some trim paint.
7. Add a Fence - you can add depth to your property or just set the stage for guests by adding a fence around the front of your home.
Even a low picket fence will add structure to your yard. It will also remind those with pets or small children of what a safe option your home is.
Fencing can also add some privacy if you spend a lot of time in your front yard.
8. Give the Lawn a Refresh - whether you are selling or going to rent out your San Marcos home you will want to start with a clean slate.
Weed, feed, and edge to your heart's content knowing it will make a huge difference in your homes overall aesthetic.
If you are looking to rent out your San Marcos home then accounting for weekly or twice monthly landscaping to keep that lawn looking fresh might be the way to keep some consistency and know you will not get in trouble with your HOA.
Tighten up those edges and people will notice. When renting your home make sure you budget for things like landscaping upkeep.
Mario, the owner of Navy To Navy Homes offered this advice, “Often times when owners move away they forget about that preventative maintenance. They think they will never have to pressure wash their home again, the roof will last forever, the A/C will last forever and it just doesn’t.”
As for what you should consider setting aside for maintenance Mario suggests 1% of the property value yearly as a minimum.
Photo by FilterGrade on Unsplash
Add Landscape Lighting - Not everyone will be looking at your home during the day. An interested party may swing by in the evening to check out your location in the dark.
Some well-placed landscape lights or uplighting on the front of the home can add dramatic appeal. If you do not have the electricity in a convenient spot consider solar lights.
These days solar lights are easy to install and very economical. A great way to do a quick weekend project for maximum results.
Update Your Mailbox - It is time for a new one? Are the numbers clear? Maybe all you need is a quick coat of paint!! This is part of your home and something the new occupants will use daily.
Don’t pass on this simple upgrade. You might just love that wide mouth bass mailbox, but it might not make the right impression on your next renter.Fix the Roof - are you missing shingles? Trim coming off? Flashing damaged? The roof is something people look at as a quick indicator if you are keeping up on any repairs your home may need.
Consider making any needed repairs prior to putting your San Marcos property on the market to sell or rent.Got a Porch? Add Some Furniture - In a place like JAX your porch is an extension of your living space.
With favorable weather much of the year you can showcase the porch as an additional room. Nice furniture that complements the colors of your home with some pops of personality will get and keep attention.
Bold pillows and planters are a quick way to draw the eye without breaking the bank.
Photo by Landon Martin on Unsplash
Add an Accent Piece - Inviting porch furniture, bold door colors and yard art can show some personality and get the attention of your next tenants.
A tall planter or climbing vines on a trellis can bring nature to your space. Planting some lemongrass or lavender can also help keep away bugs.
These are also a great choice because the easily fill a large planter with an attractive look.Repair Driveway and Paths - If it has cracks or weeds you will want to make sure those are taken care of before your home goes on the market.
Sometimes it is as simple as pressure washing the driveway to really make things sparkle.
If you have garden stones or pathways that have seen better days it is worth a weekend makeover to get them ship shape again.New Door Knocker - Don’t knock it until you try it!! A nice new, shiny door knocker might not have been on the obvious list, but it can make an impression.
A dark colored door with a nice Brass or Stainless knocker can glint in the sun like a diamond.Add Paths - Do you have a beautiful lawn that people have to walk on to get to your front door? Some stepping stones or a garden path can make a memorable statement, and keep people off the lawn.
Using edging metal you could easily add some decorative stone that draws your guest to the front door. Not only is it super simple to install, but it will give you many years of simple dry-scaping.Built-in Planters - Frame your porch or walkway with built-ins. You could go with wood or cement planters, either way you upgrade the look of your front entry.
Pick a style that complements your home for the best results.Good Lighting Inside - When someone comes by to see the home at dusk or after dark you still want to make a good impression.
While the house is on the market or if you are expecting someone for a viewing make the home look as inviting as possible.
Make sure your front porch lights are on as well as lights on in the home to showcase the windows.Freshen Up Your Curtains - Sharp window dressing on the street side of the house add interest. They say the windows are the eyes of the home.
Make sure they say the right things to potential buyers. Fresh new curtains or blinds will show you care inside and out.Camouflage Eyesores - Do you have a spigot, electrical box, sprinkler control box in the front yard? Can you see it from the street?
Using planters or some lattice may seem like a lot of work, but you want people looking at your home, not the unsightly utilities. HGTV.com has some great ideas to camouflage and increase curb appeal.
Something as simple as a well-placed potted plant with height or a sprinkling of bark can do wonders to conceal the ugly.
Get creative and hide that AC unit in your side yard with some attractive fencing or lattice. A well-placed garden box can hide your unsightly AC unit from the street while adding color and possibly fresh veggies.Make a Custom Doormat - Make Your Own Doormat - Add a little personality to your entry, and put a smile on your visitors' faces with this simple DIY doormat project from HGTV.
Get the how-to instructions to customize your mat in just a few hours.Add Flowers - planters with colorful flowers add a pop, so do traditional flower beds. You want whatever you do to look like it was done with purpose.
Consider matching flower beds on either side of a path. Check out Costa Farms top picks for flowers to plant in Florida here.
If you just can’t decide you can never go wrong with Florida’s official state flower. Coreopsis, are bright and cheerful! They do will in planters, beds and containers. And as a bonus they attract butterflies
Photo by Antonio Grosz on Unsplash
Repurpose a Planter as a Herb Garden - consider doing something that will bring not just color and plants, but herbs and freshness to the table as well.
Urban gardening is making a comeback in a big way. You can buy kits, or just pick a few plants to add to an existing planter. https://www.urban-agriculture.net/Shades - Adding roll down shades on the front porch will add privacy and help with the heat in the summer months.
If you are looking to sell your San Marcos home then you have just added the appeal of an extra living and entertaining space outside.Get Current on Your Stucco - Although it can last a lifetime (50-60 years) stucco is not completely maintenance free. According to Nolan Painting, “Stucco is extremely porous and will absorb rain and moisture very easily.
Stucco can and should be sealed properly to prevent moisture intrusion. If new, stucco can be sealed with a clear concrete/ masonry sealer, which will penetrate into the stucco and stop moisture entrance.
These are typically silicone type sealers. While effective, these finishes will usually need to be redone every 4-5 years. Redoing sealing on a regular basis is what prevents deterioration and damage, which can lead to the need for full replacement.”
Before you rent out your San Marcos home and forget about the outside of your home you might want to make sure it is sealed. A good pressure washing and seal with protect your home for many years.
Keep in mind that every few years you will need to budget for that expense again. If you are considering renting your San Marcos property you might want to look at this budget calculator to maximize the profitability of your rental here.
Navy to Navy Homes
4540 Southside Blvd, Suite 702
Jacksonville, FL 32216