Property Management Blog

Converting a Home to a Rental

Property Management Blog
A simple decision to rent your current home instead of selling it when moving to a new home could have far reaching consequences. If you have a considerable gain, in a principal residence and you rent it for more than three years, it can lose the principal residence status and th...

Get Ready to Garage Sale

Property Management Blog
A well-planned garage or yard sale can make room in your home, get rid of unused items and make some money but it needs some planning to be successful.Start early to research and planPromotion is keyDisplay items attractivelyPrice items rightOrganize checkoutSaturdays are general...

Downsizing Might Make Sense

Property Management Blog
With roughly 12.5% of the population over 65 years of age, it is understandable that some of them are thinking of downsizing because they may not need the amount of space they did in the past. There is something to be said for the freedom acquired by divesting yourself of “...

Reducing Interest Expense

Property Management Blog
0% financing has induced car buyers into taking the plunge because it doesn’t cost anything to use someone else’s money. While mortgage rates are not at zero, they’re close enough that many buyers are applying similar logic. Qualified mortgage interest is deduct...

Homeowner Tax Benefits

Property Management Blog
There are many reasons for wanting to have a home of your own like a place to raise your family, share with friends and feel safe and secure. While investment opportunities rank high for most people based on the fact that homeowners’ net worth is over forty times higher tha...

ICE Can Save Lives

ICE Can Save Lives
Everyone knows that ice can make a drink cool or reduce swelling, but if you put it on your cell phone, it might just save your life. The concept is simple. Make a contact record in your address book with the name “ICE”, which stands for In Case of Emergency. In the n...

Don't Consider Appreciation or Tax Savings

Don't Consider Appreciation or Tax Savings
Appreciation and tax savings are legitimate contributors to an overall rate of return on rental real estate but what if you didn’t consider them at all. If you only looked at one or two, very conservative measurements, you might decide to invest especially knowing that ther...

Being a Good Neighbor

Being a Good Neighbor
A good neighbor might be characterized as someone who’ll look after your home when you’re out of town by picking up your mail and watering your plants. You’d most likely reciprocate for anyone who’d be so generous toward you. In some cases, you might only ...

Holiday Tree Safety

Holiday Tree Safety
Fresh holiday trees are beautiful, smell great and really add to the spirit of the season. Following some proven safety tips might help you avoid a disaster and keep the Grinch away.Select a tree with fresh green needles that don’t fall off when touched or when the trunk is...

Verify with Your Lender

Verify with Your Lender
If you have a mortgage with an escrow account to pay your property taxes and insurance, you expect the company servicing your loan to pay this year’s taxes this year so that you can deduct them on your 2014 income tax return. After all, your monthly payment includes 1/12 th...
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